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ServeRAID C100 Driver for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6
2012. 3. 13. 17:46
Adapters Supported: ServeRAID C100 (81Y4475) Kernels Supported: ------------------ megasr_14.05.0701.2011-1_rhel6.1_32.img - kernel-2.6.32-131.0.15.el6.i686 megasr_14.05.0701.2011-1_rhel6.1_64.img - kernel-2.6.32-131.0.15.el6.x86_64 (C) Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1999, 2011. All rights reserved. US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication, or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. Note: Before using this information and the product it supports, read the general information in "Notices and trademarks" in this document. CONTENTS ________ 1.0 Overview 2.0 Installation and setup instructions 2.1 Working with driver image files to create driver installation media 2.2 Network operating system installation instructions 2.3 Troubleshooting tips 3.0 Configuration information 4.0 Unattended mode 5.0 Web site and support phone number 6.0 Notices and trademarks 7.0 Disclaimer 1.0 Overview _____________ 1.1 This update includes a new device driver for the ServeRAID C100 supporting Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 (RHEL 6). 1.2 Limitations: - None 1.3 Problems fixed: - See change history 1.4 Level of Recommendations and Prerequisites for the update: - None 1.5 Dependencies: - None 1.6 Update Contents: o - Driver update image o ibm_dd_megasr_14.05.0701.2011_rhel6_32-64 - Change history 2.0 Installation and setup instructions ________________________________________ Use the following set of instructions to install the supported network operating systems. 2.1 Working with driver image files to create driver installation media ----------------------------------------------------------------------- These driver images can be used to create a USB key, CD, DVD, or floppy disk containing the driver formatted for use during the installation of the operating system. 1) Copy the .zip file to a temporary directory and extract it. 2) Using the list of supported kernels at the top of this readme, determine which set of .img files you will need for your installation. Use these files wherever 'the .img file' is referenced in this readme. 3) Using the .img file from your set, create a driver update disk on a USB key, CD, DVD, floppy or other media using the instructions below for your media type. USB Key: -------- There are two different partitioning methods for USB keys. One of the methods below will work and the other will not, depending on which way your key is partitioned. The easiest way to discover which is correct for your key is to try the Quick Copy Method first. If this method is not correct you will receive a message stating that no driver could be found on your media when you try to load the driver in step 3 below. If that occurs, you can use the Extraction Method and reinsert the key. Use the Back button on the installation screens to re-detect the key. You should not need to reboot or start the installation over. Quick Copy Method: Copy the .img file to the root directory of the USB key. You do not need to remove other files from the key unless there is less space than necessary for the two files. Extraction Method: Use an img-to-media application (such as dd, rawrite, or emt4win, or ardi4usb) to extract the image to the key. This method will overwrite all data on the key, so you will need to remove all other files before extracting to the key. Follow the instructions that came with your img-to-media application to correctly extract to your key. All other media: ---------------- Use an img-to-media application (such as dd, rawrite, emt4win, or ardi4usb) to extract the image to the media. This method will overwrite all data on the media. If you are using rewritable media, you will need to remove all other files before performing the extraction. Follow the instructions that came with your img-to-media application to correctly extract to your media. 2.2 Network operating system installation instructions ------------------------------------------------------ Follow these instructions to add the ServeRAID C100 for System x driver during the installation of RHEL 6. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- For Legacy Installations: Install instructions support the following NOS's: - Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.1 Server Edition Driver Media: megasr_14.05.0701.2011-1_rhel6.1_32.img - Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.1 Server x64 Edition Driver Media: megasr_14.05.0701.2011-1_rhel6.1_64.img Server Preparations: - Enable ServeRAID C100 (Software RAID) in F1 Setup and create a RAID volume per the User Guide instructions. - For 64-bit versions, configure the "Legacy Only" boot option within F1 setup | Boot Manager. Installation Procedure: 1. Create MEGASR driver diskette or USB Key and attach the device to the server. 2. Boot to RHEL 6 installation media to begin install. 3. At the "Welcome to RHEL 6" screen, highlight "Install or upgrade an existing system" then press "Tab" to edit the boot options, 4. Add the following boot parameters to the to the end of the existing line using either of the following two sets paramters: linux dd blacklist=ahci -or- linux dd noprobe=ata1 noprobe=ata2 noprobe=ata3 noprobe=ata4 Press "Enter" to start the install. 5. When prompted, choose "Yes" to having a driver disk. 6. Select the device (diskette or USB key) for the MEGASR driver location. 7. Install any additional drivers or cancel to continue. 8. On the next screen, either verify the media or skip the media test as prompted. 9. The graphic portion of the installation will begin. Continue the installation following the screens through to completion. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- For native uEFI installations: Follow these instructions to add the ServeRAID C100 for System x driver during the installation of RHEL 6. Install instructions support the following NOS's: - Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.1 Server x64 Edition Driver Media: megasr_14.05.0701.2011-1_rhel6.1_64.img Server Preparations: - Enable ServeRAID C100 (Software RAID) in F1 Setup and create a RAID volume per the User Guide instructions. - Ensure the "Legacy Only" boot option within F1 setup | Boot Manager is removed. Installation Procedure: 1. Create MEGASR driver diskette or USB Key and attach the device to the server. 2. Boot to RHEL 6 installation media to begin install. 3. When prompted with "Booting Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.1 in seconds...", press any key. 4. From the GNU GRUB menu, edit "Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.1" and add either of the following two sets paramters to the end of the line: linux dd blacklist=ahci -or- linux dd noprobe=ata1 noprobe=ata2 noprobe=ata3 noprobe=ata4 Press "Enter" to save the changes and press "b" to boot with the new options. 5. When prompted, choose "Yes" to having a driver disk. 6. Select the device (diskette or USB key) for the MEGASR driver location. 7. Install any additional drivers or cancel to continue. 8. On the next screen, either verify the media or skip the media test as prompted. 9. The graphic portion of the installation will begin. Continue the installation following the screens through to completion. 2.2 Troubleshooting tips ------------------------ None 3.0 Configuration information ______________________________ For detailed setup instructions for your controller, refer to the ServeRAID C100 User's Guide. 4.0 Unattended Mode ____________________ Not supported. 5.0 Web Sites and Support Phone Number ______________________________________ o You can find support and downloads for IBM products from the IBM Support Web site: You can find support and downloads specific to disk controllers by searching for the "Disk Controller and RAID Software Matrix" from the main support page. o For the latest compatibility information, see the IBM ServerProven Web site: o With the original purchase of an IBM hardware product, you have access to extensive support coverage. During the IBM hardware product warranty period, you may call the IBM HelpCenter (1-800-IBM-SERV in the U.S.) for hardware product assistance covered under the terms of the IBM hardware warranty. 6.0 Trademarks and Notices __________________________ This product may contain program code or packages ("code") licensed by third parties, as well as code licensed by IBM. For non-IBM Code, the third parties, not IBM, are the licensors. Your use of the non-IBM code is governed by the terms of the license accompanying that code, as identified in the attached files. You acknowledge that you have read and agree to the license agreements contained in these files. If you do not agree to the terms of these third party license agreements, you may not use the accompanying code. IBM and ServeRAID are trademarks or registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation in the United States and other countries. LSI and MegaRAID are trademarks or registered trademarks of LSI Logic, Corp in the United States and other countries. Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds in the United States and other countries. Other company, product, and service names may be trademarks or service marks of others. 7.0 Disclaimer ______________ THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. IBM DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND MERCHANTABILITY WITH RESPECT TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS DOCUMENT. BY FURNISHING THIS DOCUMENT, IBM GRANTS NO LICENSES TO ANY PATENTS OR COPYRIGHTS. Note to U.S. Government Users -- Documentation related to restricted rights -- Use, duplication or disclosure is subject to restrictions set forth in GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corporation.